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Remote Patient Monitoring

Enabling better healthcare

ABOUT medicalWISDOM Remote Patient Monitoring

At medicalWISDOM, we know managing your health can be a journey. That's why we offer a personalized remote monitoring system that connects you with your care team. We're here to support your well-being every step of the way, so you can focus on feeling your best.

During medical needs, the CAREGIVERS become a bridge between the Doctor and your patient, enabling better medical treatment within least possible time based on patient’s previous medical record and summary.

CAREGIVERS are also available to accompany your patient during routine doctor visits. We help arrange patient's medical records, summary & make sure the Doctor prescribes based on your patient's current health & long-term health goal.

Regular Health & Medication Monitoring

Taking regular health vitals, observation and medication monitoring help your patient avoid medical emergencies

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Regular Vitals Monitoring

Caregivers visit your patient and take their vitals regularly. They keep these health data readily available and compare them to determine health trends.

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Ensuring Timely Medication

Caregivers analyse the doctor’s prescription and make sure the patient understands that when and how to take the medicines for quicker recovery.

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Check right diet

The Caregiver will record the food habits of the patient. Our dieticians will provide diet chart based on your patient’s food habit, current condition and medication. Balanced diet ensures early recovery.

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Friendly Interaction

Caregivers interact with patients and make sure they find a new friend in us. Not only health but we ensure mental well being as well.

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Help to Exercise

Caregivers help patients to do exercise regularly to ensure they are in the path to complete recovery.

Monthly Doctor Consultation based on Medical Summary / Case History

Our medicalWISDOM platform will summarize inputs from Patient & CareGivers to ensure Monthly Health Assessment by a General Physician.

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Review medications monthly

Most patients take unnecessary medicines daily even after the doctor's direction to stop the medicines after a month or two. So we will review the medications each month to stop unnecessary medication taking and avoid future complications.

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Create Medical summary

Based on your health conditions and test reports, caregivers prepare the medical summary or case history which help the doctors assess patient’s health condition better.

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Accompany during Doctor visit

Caregivers accompany patient during regular doctor visit so that Patient can expresses his/her condition better and Doctors can also understand patient’s condition better.

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We will arrange online video consultation each month with an experienced doctor from the comfort of patient's home. With medication & health summary, the Doctor will review patient's daily health vitals trend and prescribe the necessary medication or life style changes to make the patient healthier than ever.

Helping Early Detection of diseases

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Early Warning System

Diseases always give early warnings which we generally can’t interpret. Caregivers work as an early warning mechanism to identify patients with high risk of getting seriously ill . Our expertise ensures patients get individualised quality patient care for better health and reduce avoidable harm and costs.

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Alert the Concerned persons

We inform the patient's near & dear ones about the anomalies found in the patient's health vitals to take steps to avoid any unfortunate health emergencies.

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Decide the next course of action

Our CareGiver will also help the patient's kin to decide the next course of action to reduce the chances of mishappening.

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Early Detection ensures Golden Hours is not wasted

Early Detection & prompt action always helps the patient's health and gives an extra lifeline to the patient by extending the vital Golden Hour.

Adherence to Treatment Plan for existing diseases

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Help Following Treatment Plan

Our teams work with the patients to make sure they follow the treatment plan shared by the Doctor for pre-existing diseases for early recovery and avoid getting sick again.

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Track Medicine

CareGivers will take an effort to help the patient understand the prescribed medicines and also enquire about their consumption at right time. The medication reminder will help vital medicines be taken on time.

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Track Food

CareGivers will track the patient's taken food and the time taken. This will help the dietician to understand the current lifestyle of the patient and provide better-customized diet chart keeping the current life style in mind.

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Track Test reports

Our CareGivers will arrange patient test reports and keep them on track so the test report history help the Doctor to assess the patient's condition better and recommend a healthier treatment plan.

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On-Demand Doctor Visit & Assistance

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When need Specialist / General Physician's care

Caregivers will facilitate doctor appointments ( General Physician & Specialists ) and accompany the patients as/when required. We also assist in booking doctor (GP, Specialist) appointment visits as/when required.

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Help to buy medicines

We can help the patient's family (if needed) to buy the doctor-recommended medicines on time.

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Help to book tests

Our team also help the patient to book tests from their preferred test center (if needed).

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Help to go for follow up

When the patient needs to go for the follow-up visit to the Doctor, our team will help by arranging the test reports and health vitals trends to ensure better medical attention.